meet the
GameHawk Family
Our team of dedicated volunteers is the fuel of our growth. We are forever thankful to all of our staff.

Founder / Owner

Founder / Owner

Lead Developer / Moderator
Red is a motivated member of the GameHawk family. Originally he applied to be a Developer, and not long after being accepted had done a great deal of programming for the Minecraft server. In January 2023, he applied for Helper, and was accepted without hesitation.

Riley is a loyal member of the GameHawk family. He was the very first member of the staff team, was promoted to Moderator not long after he was welcomed into the family as a Helper, and has been there for GameHawk ever since.

Dude has always been here to help the GameHawk family. Originally a Helper, he partnered with GameHawk for a time in adding minigames such as SkyWars and BedWars to the server. Since then, he has become a Dev Helper.

Pilot is a driven member of the GameHawk family. His contributions to the server in its early days were invaluable. He took an interest in the server, and was accepted into the family as a Moderator and Dev Helper.

Mees is a friendly member of the GameHawk family. Always open to new ideas, he met Canadian & Cam on a survival server, and they became friends after connecting through classic Minecraft.

Retired Moderator
Air is an enthusiastic member of the GameHawk family. Her application projected motivation, and was accepted right away. Since then, she has been a dedicated and caring part of the family.
join the
GameHawk Family
Any help is appreciated! Join us today: